I like the idea of divisions but you would need to do a day or two of "qualifying" to find out which drivers to put into each server. 40 drivers = 20 in each server. Top 20 times in server 1/Division 1 and the last 20 in server 2/division 2.
After the first round of two races you would have to compare race times to see if the top 3-5 drivers in Div 2 were faster than the bottom 3-5 of Div 1 and they would be swapped for the next round. This would give an incentive of progression into a higher Div and also the risk of relegation. Meaning people would have a goal of either avoiding relegation or promotion each week.
Working the points out for this would be a challenge.
I have reced in all 5 of the CRC Mini League championships and I won the final League before the CRC's demise, so as current CRC Mini League Champion I would LOVE to enter this league. Man, the best racing :rally_dri I have ever had has been in the UF1.
I love the sets Gentlefoot comes up with as his sets are quick over race distance not the hotlpa sets I seem to find. If you want a good fast race distance set then throw it Gentlefoots way and he will get you going faster
im having trouble at the mo online as i get a pause in the graphics like lag every 5 -7 seconds. Have tried restarting my modem and I dont have any problems playing other gmes online. In LFS i do have a low ping too, so whats going on I dont know. I havt tried all settings at low and still no luck
no not more tyres ha ha I was taken out by a tyre on the first lap that Ynot had thrown onto the track causing me major damge. But I like the idea of FE Green reversed with the MOD. Lets get it sorted, SOON